Manufacturing Intelligence Implementation for SC Johnson to Achieve Manufacturing Efficiencies

August 17, 2012

Manufacturing Data Access is Crucial to Powerful Decision Making & Manufacturing Efficiencies

The Project

SC Johnson knew its Brantford, Ontario plant could be running more efficiently. But without the ability to collect and analyze data on work-in-process, they weren’t sure exactly what areas they needed to address. They needed a manufacturing information system.

The Opportunity – Manufacturing Execution System with Data Integration

Grantek would help them to implement a manufacturing execution system that would integrate all data from the plant floor and deliver it to management in a way that would power their decision-making as they worked to improve efficiencies.

Grantek’s Solution to Achieve

Grantek designed and implement a system that would capture data on half of the plant’s 12 production lines. The client had no standard template for data collection and so they looked to Grantek to determine what information should be culled from the systems, how the software should be written, and how data should be formatted and delivered to the management group to provide meaningful feedback.

Grantek linked the systems to a central database, making it easily accessible to management via their internal intranet. The system was also programmed to deliver regular reports to office printers and email addresses of key management personnel.

Grantek’s implementation enabled the SC Johnson management team to access relevant manufacturing intelligence which allowed them to make better business decisions and improve manufacturing efficiencies and achieve operational excellence.

Visit Manufacturing Intelligence and Manufacturing IT to discover how Grantek can help you gain critical access to your manufacturing data to achieve efficiency and operational excellence.

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